Gemstone Power Jewelry

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Gems and minerals are used throughout the world for their metaphysical properties. Our experience with them has been mostly spiritual.  Many stories are told of their ability to balance and harmonize chakras, of light descending, and emotions being released.  Not only have stones helped us to open to our own inner treasures of spirituality, they have also shown us that Mother Earth is alive in ways that we never suspected, expressing herself through their beauty and healing energy.

All healing necklaces are made from authentic stones, researched to bring about powerful results.  They are handmade in two beautiful designs that can be worn as jewelry or simply carried in a pocket.

BALANCE - Assists in stopping energy interrupters and re-establishing the flow of harmonious positive Universal Energy.
*Smokey quartz, turquoise, citrine, carnelian, unikite, yellow jade, onyx flint

CHAKRA DANCE - Helps to harmonize and balance the seven main chakras of the body.
*Red jade, carnelian, citrine or tiger-eye, malachite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, amethyst

EXPRESSION - Enhances the ability to communicate by expressing self and speaking freely; helps with information reception; brings forth clarity of thought, ability to focus, and self-confidence.
*Blue lace agate, aquamarine, chrysocolla or lapis lazuli, aragonite, angelite, turquoise, blue chalcedony

TRIUMPH - Helps to bring freedom from addictive behaviors by relieving feelings of self-sabotage, defeat and attachments; aides with the ability to more forward by bringing forth feelings of courage, strength, self-confidence and self-love.
*Dendrite agate or black onyx, rhodochrosite, red jade, amethyst, ocean jasper, red aventurine, black tourmaline

COMPASSIONATE HEART - Enhances feelings of forgiveness, acceptance, gentleness and kindness; assists with the ability to give and receive love and joyful service.
*Rose quartz, turquoise, green jade, red tiger eye, clear quartz, rhodonite, angelite

SHIELD OF LIGHT - Creates inner peace and protection by bringing light and higher vibrations into the energy field.
*Sugilite, clear quartz, smokey quartz, labradorite, malachite, black tourmaline, obsidian or charoite

ABUNDANCE - Assists in bringing forth an infinite flow of prosperity and plenty in all areas of one's life.
*Peridot, moss agate, green jade, obsidian, sunstone, red jade, clear quartz

RADIANCE - Assists with Divine connection, bright countenance, mental energy, life force, light activation, light frequencies, and higher vibrations.
*Blue chalcedony, amber, mook jasper, aegirine, hemimorphite, fancy jasper, clear quartz

VITALITY - Creates energy, endurance, stamina, and strength; releases stress and enhances body rejuvination.
*Hematite, carnelian, red jasper, tiger eye, green aventurine, red jade, seraphinite or green tourmaline

SWEET DREAMS - Helps to calm and relax the body and mind; relieves over-thinking, worry, anxiety, depression and stress; balances the pineal gland.
*Sugilite, lepidolite, ocean jasper, rose quartz, pink tourmaline, strombolite, blue chalcedony

JOYFUL BEING - Helps to free one from depression, anxiety and stress; creates hormonal balance; assists with feelings of well-being, joy and gratitude.
*Ocean jasper, obsidian, pink tourmaline, strombolite, moonstone, lepidolite, blue chalcedony

Chocker Design:    $15.00 each
Dangle Design:     $25.00 each

To order, call me at 801-400-6397 or email me at (Available for pick-up or can be shipped to you.)